Monday, April 11, 2011

I Don't Trust Religion

I don't trust religion, in the sense of "moral and spiritual codes imposed on me by other people." I don't trust people, and I don't trust the codes they follow and are attempting to impose on me. I don't trust that they have any knowledge of a higher power or a greater force or an advanced intelligence, and I certainly don't trust that the codes that they follow and are attempting to impose on me are derived from these higher powers or greater forces or advanced intelligences.

As near as I can tell the chief function of religion is to sever the individual from their own internal and personal sense of spirituality and replace it with mechanical codes of behavior and the old primate dominance-submission games, the better to turn a never-ending series of wild, anarchic, more-unique-than-snowflakes individuals into drones and interchangeable parts -- insects, essentially -- the better to set them in motion as the great machine Society.

But we are not insects. We are individuals. I don't trust any religion that is not personal.

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