Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Violence Is Not The Answer

An act of violence creates a situation for which the easiest, most natural, and most often response is another act of violence. But two wrongs do not make a right. One and one do not make zero, they make two. The responding act of violence also creates a situation for which the easiest, most natural, and most often response is yet another act of violence. Which would itself in turn create a situation for which the easiest most natural dot dot dot. You have probably heard of this looping dance of action and reaction before. It is called "the cycle of violence." The inevitable outcome of the cycle of violence, carried through to its logical conclusion, is violence for all. Maximum destruction with minimum creation. It's what Gandhi foresaw when he said that an eye for an eye would leave everyone blind. The only way to end this cycle is to absorb it when it comes your way and not pass it along further. When someone slaps your cheek, turn to them your other cheek as well. That's a pretty bold concept. So bold that when Jesus tried to tell everyone about it back in the day, they responded... with violence. Forgive them for they know not what they do, and try not to add to the mess. Violence is not the answer.

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