Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nuns Are Crap

Nuns are crap.

I'm just going to pause and let you digest that. I can hear your brain cells -- both of them -- starting to rub against one another and create the thought of protest or outrage. Kindly leave such thoughts to yourself and hear me out.

I realize we've all of us, in this culture -- and not just the Catholics, neither -- been programmed to think of nuns as being somehow better human beings or something. It's never something that's put in words exactly but it is definitely something we wind up internalizing somewhere along the way.

And why? Nuns are like the most worthless people on the planet. They provide nothing, they create nothing, they contribute nothing. They pay no taxes. Their life-giving wombs are denied use by their vows of chastity so they don't even manage to put new humans here. Nothing. They just wear their funny outfits and they believe their quaint myths and they expect the rest of us to treat them as special because they took some vows to their made up god and dress up like penguins.

Anyone else was such a gigantic waste of space and resources and air and they would be seen as dead beat degenerate scum, it's not even a question. But all of a sudden they're part of some freaky cult and it's okay?

Nuns are crap. That's my word.

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