Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Don't Vote

I get so mad when I see people say ignorant things like "If you don't vote, you can't complain" and other similar bumper-sticker slogans. By my thinking, it is exactly the other way around. If you DO vote, if you pull the lever that signifies your endorsement of a corrupt, rigged system --

-- and let me stop right there for some expounding. Exposition. Whatever. When I say the system is corrupt and it is rigged, I am not speaking (only) about the current United States political landscape. I'm not talking about how this isn't a true democracy but an elitist republic. I'm not talking about particular individuals running for particular offices, or whatever particular parties they belong to. I am beyond all that shit. Waiting at the finish line, chirp chirp. When I say the system is corrupt and rigged I mean literally, the SYSTEM is corrupt and rigged. The very concept of government is FLAWED AT ITS CORE. I have made this argument so many times in so many places that you can go look it up and stop bugging me. Made sense thousands of years ago, sure, now it's time for something new. Don't know what that something new is. Just trying to remind people there's options.

So I guess what I'm saying is, lead yourself. If you pick someone else to make decisions for you -- and this is what government is, make no mistake. Look up "social contract" theory sometime. I don't agree with the social contract either but even there it is implicit that the individual cedes their individual liberties and their individual responsibilities to the government. Made sense thousands of years ago. And sure, democracy (or whatever this is) at least allows you to CHOOSE the person you allow to be lorded over you. But still. If you choose someone to lord over you, and it doesn't work out, THAT'S YOUR FAULT. Shoulda done for delf. Burned the whole thing down and started over. The system is rigged and corrupt and everything it does it does to benefit the system and never you. But hey, at least you contributed with your vote, right? Wrong. If you pick someone else to make decisions for you, you have no right to complain when they make decisions you don't approve of. And before you say "But I voted for the UDDER guy!" remember this is more complex then simple political parties and empty campaign promises. If, with your vote, you buy into a system that allows some people to be lorded over some other people, it doesn't matter whether it's "your" guy or "their" guy that gets in. Someone's gonna be doing some lording. If you accept this, you are part of the problem and have no right to complain. Period.

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