Friday, May 30, 2014

Cogito Ergo Some?

I've boiled down what I know to "something seems to be experiencing something." The first something is me, or my mind, or my soul, or my ego, or my consciousness, or whatever. The second something is everything else that I seem to be experiencing: all of it.

Except that I am not actually a THING, a static noun, I am a verb, a motion, a wave; and all that goes double-plus for what I seem to be experiencing. It is a multitude of things that are not things, breaking off, coming together, interacting in infinitely predictable yet also infinitely novel ways.

Another problem with the idea of boiling it down to two somethings (or two some-not-a-things) is that there is actually only one thing. And, of course, that it is not a thing at all per se.

Plus: the very use of the verb "to be" is always suspect, hard as it is to avoid. (See?)

So... I don't actually know ANYTHING, do I?

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