Monday, April 28, 2014

Love, and the Axe

Kids, I'm going to impart some wisdom to you that no one ever imparted to me and I had to figure it out for myself. Maybe I can pass it on to someone who can be saved the trouble.

Life is finite. Anyone, ANYONE, that is not willing or not able to love you for who you are, must be cut out of your life or have their impact on your life minimized to the greatest possible extent. Anyone. Your parents. Your children. Your wife or husband. The mother or father of your children. Your oldest childhood friends. Anyone. At. All. Must be cut out of your life if they cannot love you for who you are.

I'm not saying to be mean about it. I'm not saying to be melodramatic. You don't have to hate them, or be angry with them. You don't have to say horrible hurtful things to them. You don't even necessarily need to let them know they've been cut out. Just, cut them out. If it hurts them, that is not on you.

Life is short, and then it is over. Surround yourself with people that love you for who you are. More importantly, love yourself for who you are. Life is short, too short for anything else.

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