Sunday, December 29, 2013

Who was Jesus? Glad you asked! (an overly long response to a somewhat flippant question on Facebook)

Jesus was a revolutionary and visionary from thousands of years back who, despite growing up in a backwards time and among a more or less backwards people, looked out at the mass of injustice and hypocrisy in the world and how cruel people were to one another and assembled a different view of how things could be and how people should behave towards one another. The people who are on top today, he said, will be on the bottom when the reckoning comes. And those who have lost shall be comforted. He suggested letting go of an attachment to physical possessions, especially when in comparison to the worth of any human life. He strongly renounced self-righteous hypocrites.

No one at the time knew what to make of him. Some thought he must be some sort of god himself because he was so clearly ahead of his time. Others, threatened that someone so simple and poor and humble could yet be so vastly superior to them, had him executed in one of the most grisly and sadistic manners "humanity" has ever devised. Immediately afterwards, or soon enough as dammit, the same sort of status quo wealth-and-power assholes who had him killed latched on to his name and his movement, had him declared a god for reals, and have ever since done all sorts of terrible things in his name, becoming exactly the kind of self-righteous hypocrites the dude spent his life denouncing.

Meanwhile, there are those have still managed to pick up the greatest portion of his message, undiminished across centuries, and are still working steadily to make his dream of heaven on Earth a reality. Or so they say. In any case, he prophesied that one day the dead would rise again, and while the loopy superstitious cats who wear his torture device on their necks believe this will be some supernatural divine shit, I am pretty sure it will be good old fashioned human know-how that eventually makes this miracle a reality. Those with ears, let them hear.

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