Monday, July 5, 2010

The Saga Of Forgotten Space Baby

Forgotten Space-Baby was once a baby named Alex. One day his mother took him the Baby Trade Shop and traded him for another baby that was eight feet tall. This baby was also named Alex. His mom liked him because he was eight feet tall and could reach things for her. She forgot all about her original son. The now nameless baby cried and cried and cried, and nobody else wanted to trade him, so finally the Baby Trade Shop launched him into outer space. Up there he gained incredible space powers and became Forgotten Space-Baby, legend of five galaxies. Now he is on a quest to return to Earth, to get back to his family. But first he must defeat nefarious space villains such as the Skeleton Family, or the evil Dr. Trap. Will he ever make it back to Earth? Will he be able to replace the eight-foot baby Alex and regain his mother's love? Will he get assistance along the way from his long lost father, Forgotten Space-Dad?

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