Saturday, July 4, 2009

Scatalogical God Knowledge

My real belief is, we are all given a pile of shit that had no right to be there. We inherited this from our ancestors, both biological and cultural, and before there were humans from a harsh nature that is "red in tooth and claw." The ones that came before us didn't do enough to absorb this pile of shit, and in fact some of them actually just piled more shit on it instead. So here we are, in the pile of shit. It's our job in this life to do what we can to clean the shit up and not add to it so that the next generation will have an easier time cleaning up the shit we didn't, and so forth and so on until we (not us, we'll be long dead) finally clean up all the shit and heaven dawns on earth. This is the secret occult meaning of "turning the other cheek" -- when you get shit dumped on you you have to absorb it and not pass it on, otherwise the cycle goes on forever and this is the best it will ever get.

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